rsA uniquie identifier assigned by applications. This is not used internally.
Inertia Tensor (in body coordinates) (3x3 matrix). The returned matrix is a copy. TODO: This copy should be locked.
Sets the Inertia Tensor (in local coordinates) (3x3 matrix), and computes the inverse.
Inertia Tensor (in body coordinates) inverse (3x3 matrix).
Converts a point in local coordinates to the same point in world coordinates. x = R (localPoint - centerOfMassLocal) * ~R + X
In the following formula, notice the reversion on either Ω or L. Geometrically, this means we depend on the cosine of the angle between the bivectors, since A * ~B = |A||B|cos(...). (1/2) Ω * ~L(Ω) = (1/2) ~Ω * L(Ω) = (1/2) ω * J(ω), where * means scalar product (equals dot product for vectors).
(1/2) (P * P) / M
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The position of the polygon point relative to the center of mass.
r = x - X, where x is the world position, X is the center of mass.