Overview: Getting Started
Getting started with Geometry Zen is really easy and quick.
You don't have any software to install.
All you need is a WebGL compliant browser, such as Google Chrome or Firefox.
Let's get started!
Step 1: Sign up for a free GitHub account
We will use GitHub to store our projects.
If you already have a GitHub account you can jump to Step 2.
If you don't have a GitHub account, you will need to provide an email address as part of the sign up process.
Head over to GitHub and Sign up.
Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of a GitHub account.
We're ready for Step 2, Logging in to Geometry Zen.
Step 2: Log in to Geometry Zen
When you first log in to to Geometry Zen you will be redirected to GitHub. This is normal.
Whan asked to sign in, provide the Username and Password information that you used to create your GitHub account in Step 1.
Whan asked to Authorize Geometry Zen, press the Authorize app button.
When complete, you will be automatically redirected back to Geometry Zen.
Now head over to Geometry Zen and complete the Log in process.
You should see the Log In button change to a symbol with your GitHub Username displayed below the symbol.
Awesome! We're ready for Step 3, Creating your first Geometry Zen project.
Step 3: Create your first Geometry Zen project
Projects are the units of collaboration in GitHub; everything you create is added to a project, also known as a repository.
Press the My Universe button on the toolbar to go to your personal Geometry Zen universe.
You should see your name and username under the Profile section.
Make sure that the Projects tab is selected under the My Matter section.
Press the Create a New Project button.
Enter a Project name such as my-first-project
You may provide a description for your project, but it is not required.
Press the Create project button.
You should see you project appear in the list of projects under the Projects tab.
Click on your new project's name to open the Project view.
You should see a list of files including README.md
and README.py
We're ready for Step 4, Creating your first Geometry Zen model!
Step 4: Create your first Geometry Zen model
A project can contain many files.
Files that end with the .py
extension can be run in Geometry Zen.
Press the Create a New File button.
Enter a File name such as my-first-file.py
Press the Create file button.
You should see you file appear in the list of files under the Files tab.
Click your new file to open the Workbench view.
You should see the contents of your new file in the editor.
Step 5: Run and Save your Geometry Zen model
We will write a simple Python program to demonstrate running and saving your models.
Type print "Hello, Geometry Zen!"
on line 2 of the editor.
Press the Run button on the toolbar.
You should see your output appear in the Printer window.
Press the Save button to keep your changes.
Congratulations! You've written your first Geometry Zen model.
You're now ready to learn more about Python programming and Geometric Algebra.
Might I suggest that you browse some examples before starting on the tutorials?
Return to Home and check out the resources under the Learn button.