Geometry Zen Mission

The primary mission of Geometry Zen is to make Geometric Algebra familiar to millions of young science students and academia so that Geometric Algebra becomes the standard Unified Mathematical Language for Physics and Engineering in the 21st Century.

The secondary mission of Geometry Zen is to improve the learning experience of all young science students by increasing student engagement, facilitating active learning, and encouraging solid technical skills and physical intuition.

Why is Geometric Algebra important?

  • Traditional Vector Analysis is limited to three dimensions.
  • Many modern physical theories are geometric in origin and yet the mathematics used to describe the phenomenon has a weak or obscured geometric foundation.
  • Complex Numbers, Matrices and Vector Analysis are inefficient and inappropriate for 21st Century Physics and Engineering.
  • Outstanding foundational issue interpreting Quantum Mechanics may have geometric connections.
  • Geometric Algebra illuminates Complex Numbers, Quaternions, Pauli Matrices, Classical Mechanics, Electrodynamics, General Relativity, and Quantum Computing.
  • Geometric Algebra and Geometric Calculus can be learned by the young student and developed in depth and used over a career.
  • Geometric Algebra likely to be more meaningful to a young student rather than Complex Numbers or Vector cross products.

What features of Geometry Zen support the mission?

  • Geometric Numbers and their Algebra are ready to use as pre-tested Python modules.
  • Python programming language makes geometric, exterior and contraction products look natural.
  • 2D and 3D geometric visualization reinforces the understanding and meaning of the mathematics.
  • Learning models may be shared and developed collaboratively.