Interface DataSetInitialOptions<IdProp>

interface DataSetInitialOptions<IdProp> {
    fieldId?: IdProp;
    queue?: false | QueueOptions;

Type Parameters

  • IdProp extends string



fieldId?: IdProp

The name of the field containing the id of the items. When data is fetched from a server which uses some specific field to identify items, this field name can be specified in the DataSet using the option fieldId. For example CouchDB uses the field '_id' to identify documents.

queue?: false | QueueOptions

Queue data changes ('add', 'update', 'remove') and flush them at once. The queue can be flushed manually by calling DataSet.flush(), or can be flushed after a configured delay or maximum number of entries.

When queue is true, a queue is created with default options. Options can be specified by providing an object.

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